Lucy - TM Custom Portraits

Lucy - TM Custom Portraits

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thurs., Feb. 10th

This morning Lucy had the EEG done which I was talking about yesterday. She slept through the whole thing. We were given the results in the afternoon it was another day of miracles. Her EEG was completely normal. In case anyone doesn't know I asked Dr. Huffman the difference between what an MRI tells us vs. the EEG. The EEG measures the strength of the electrical volts that are happening in the brain and the MRI gives a visual picture of the brain tissue which you compare the color of the brain matter on a grey scale. Too light or too dark is an indication of damage. Because of the normal EEG Dr. Baker said that she will not have the 2 month follow up EEG that they had originally planned for. It is so amazing how many different details there are to think of and realize that need to be checked out.

We had another nap today with Lucy curled up in a little snuggly ball on my chest. Those are the best naps. She had her eyes open a bit more today. When she looks at me I can get a sense of her spirit. She is obviously so strong but she is so gentle and sweet at the same time.

We received another call today from one of the ER nurses from the Salmon Creek hospital named Candace. She said that everyone who was there working on her has been wondering about her and worried about us. She said she had been praying for Lucy every day and was of course very happy and surprised how well she is coming through.

I think sometimes we all can under value the power that can happen through our faith and prayer especially when combined. So many people have wanted to help us and have helped up immensely. The help that I feel has been the most valuable and the greatest gift to us is the gift that cannot be bought, or seen. The gift of exercising faith in the power of God on behalf of Lucy and our family.

Dr. Baker is estimating that she will probably be ready to come home around mid next week. It seems like it is just a matter of her gaining strength enough to eat all that she needs to eat without the feeding tube. She will probably have the nasal air taken out tomorrow.


  1. SO AMAZING!!!!! I am so relieved to read all of this! GO LUCY!!!!

  2. I am so happy Lucy is doing so well. I can't wait to meet her. Faith and prayers were definitely answered in her behalf this past week. What a beautiful girl.

  3. I keep checking your blog and I love seeing positive progress! I am SO HAPPY that things are in her favor and looking better everyday. We will keep praying for this cute little bundle and I can't wait to meet her!

  4. What an angel. I'm always so amazed at the intense bond between mother and baby. I'm so glad you get to hold her close to you. I miss those days already!
