Lucy - TM Custom Portraits

Lucy - TM Custom Portraits

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sat., Feb. 12th

No more SVT's today. The Dr. said it takes three doses of the medicine for it to reach the therapeutic level in her blood which is probably why she still had one on Fri. evening. She is a pooping machine. No problems on the that front.....thank goodness!! Grant is suddenly not as eager to change her diaper as he was the first time.

She is having a tiny bit more eyes open time each day but for the most part she is a very tired girl. Dr. Baker said he would not hold it against her since she has gone through so much. He also said because of how fast she was able to get rid of all the fluid from the hydrops and how fast they were able to get her body to stabilize that they think this all happened in the last few weeks of pregnancy. It was very good that she came early. There would have just been a longer period of time in the deprived situation and she may have already been gone when she was born. He said most of the hydrops cases he has seen are more difficult to decrease the fluid and getting the blood products, gasses and everything else to stabilize is much more difficult because of the fluid taking a longer time to leave the body.

We had to take our car seat in yesterday for inspection. We passed the first is not recalled. Before she goes home she also has to pass a test sitting in the car seat for 90 min. and not have her oxygen saturation or her respirations decrease. Barring anymore runs with her heart all we are waiting for is for her to eat her food all herself, not need to get it through a feeding tube. It is just a matter of her having enough energy to take all of it through a bottle or nursing. Right now she is taking herself about 25% of her milk herself and the rest is through the feeding tube.

She can wear button in front pajamas now so the nurses are having fun changing her clothes. Yesterday the nurse asked Grant if he wanted to change her clothes. He asked, " is she dirty?" She said "no, just thought you might like to change her outfit." Grant said " I'll let her mom do that." I was not at the hospital at that time but a little while later after Grant had gone to the restroom or something and come back to her bed he noticed that Lucy had a new outfit. He doesn't get it.


  1. I love the New Pictures! It is so amazing how much she has grown since Birth she is so Beautiful.

  2. We are praying for Lucy with each prayer that is said and thinking about her every day. She is so beautiful. So glad that her little body is so strong and that she is progressing. We love her already and love you guys, too!!
